Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Week 29: Influence of Law and Ethics

Week 29: Influence of Law and Ethics

Teachers today face ethical difficulties and professional pressure. We as teachers are expected to apply high standards and ethical decision making in their teaching profession. Ethical decision-making is challenging because teachers are often required to resolve tensions when their professional Code of Ethics is applied. 

Some tension areas that may arise could be in the following areas as per diagram. 

Ethical problem

In terms of my classroom. I have used my classroom blog as well as making phone calls home in terms of being able to communicate with parents/guardians and family and whanau. I have also approached family members outside my classroom when they have come to pick up their students in terms of asking how they feel their children's learning is coming along and if there are any concerns etc.  I believe the better the communication between the teacher and the parents/guardians the better the support.

In terms of communicating with parents and its effectiveness I always when I let the children go when the bell goes wait at the door to see if any parents come by so that I get a few minutes to able to be able to talk with them about their learning. Especially those parents that are very hard to get hold of and don't make much effort in their children's learning. I try and also make phone calls once a week to parents and tell them about their children's learning. I also try and blog once a week on my class blog with students work and what they have been doing.

Some negatives that I have encountered is that I find that the parents don't make a huge effort to go onto our class blog to see what has been happening in our classroom. So, in terms of this, this can make it difficult to communicate with the parents and also get the feedback that I am wanting on the bogs. I found that the parents would rather go onto our school facebook page and read what is happening there and they tend to comment more on there.


thical Decisions | Education Council. (2017). Educationcouncil.org.nz. Retrieved 1 August 2017, from https://educationcouncil.org.nz/content/ethical-decisions

1 comment:

  1. Kaveeta I support and value your effort and strategies to remain ethical with whanua/ families of your students. This is vital and a sensitive area to make contact with parents is not always easy. I find and also tend to drag out my meetings with parents and trying to be over friendly not realising to keep it only academic progress. But as a parent myself I appreciate teachers to be open on all aspect of my child. So I would make it a point to inform parents to other areas of progress and social developemnt. However , this can at times lead to a converastion where the parent might bring up another learner or student other than their child. This I find unethical and often redirect the focus back to present student.
