Sunday, 6 November 2016

"When the cook tastes the soup thats formative assessment, when the customer tastes the soup, that summative assessment."

During one of my University sessions we as a class talked and discussed different forms of assessments.  Firstly, we talked about formative assessment and formative practice. Below I have include the key points that have come up.

What is formative assessment?
Here are some key aspects of formative assessment that I have come up with as per below:
  • Helps with goal setting. 
  • Low stake-Not as much pressure as summative. 
  • Teacher instruction to improve student learning. 
  • Forming next steps in learning. 
  • Part of the learning process. 
  • Observations. 
  • Self assessment/peer assessment. 
  • Questioning 
  • Student record keeping. 
  • Student voice 
  • Helps with forming teaching strategies.
  • Drivers licence.
  • Helps with forming OTJ.
  • Visible learning. 
We also looked at  self assessment and peer assessment. Here is a quote that I really liked which took my fancy: 

Black and William (2000)
"Pupils can only access themselves when they are a sufficently clear picture of the targets that their learning is meant to attain. Surprisingly and sadly, many pupils do not have such a picture and appear to have become accustumed to recieving classroom teaching as an arbitrary sequence"

We together as group looked at an article called "In the drivers seat" in groups of 4-5. We then had a follow up task where we had to underline or highlight a section that we really agree or disagree with.
We worked and collaborated our ideas together.
Below I have included a definition of what Self assessment is. 

Students are able to reflect on what they have learned and judge their learning against a set criteria.
WALT: To understand what self assessment what self assessment is and how we can implement it in the classroom. 

I can:
  • Name some motivating factors for learning for myself. 
  • Implement some self assessment strategies in a classroom context.
  • Assess sites for self assessment. 
Self regulated learning is a pivot upon which student achievement turns (Butler and Winne-1999).

In regards to my classroom and assessment I have used a range of assessment. Since my classroom is fully digital the students in my class work together and give each other feedback and feedforward in terms of their learning. This is done on google where they can leave comments on the side of a friends presentations. Here are some of the reasons peer feedback is important and why students do it.   As we are also a blogging School children leave blog comments not only on our school blogs but also on the cluster school blogs.
  • To help students learn more about writing for different purposes and audiences.

  • To help students connect and communicate positively with others.

  • To develop a positive digital footprint
This is what the students need to keep in mind when they are leaving comments on their fiends work as well as cluster school blogs. This is used as a criteria for them-they go back and refer back to it making sure that they have met these.

I believe self reflections and feedback are very important in terms of learning. We can not only learn from each other but also when we self reflect on a daily basis we knew which areas we need to work on , which areas we need help on etc. I make sure that I encourage this in my classroom.

Feedback is also given in terms of group conferences with the teacher in groups. Where students reflect on set goals for themselves. 

[The] results reveal reflection to be a powerful mechanism behind learning, confirming the words of American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey: “We do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on experience.” … In fact, these beneficial effects seem to be lasting.
Why do reflection efforts generate an improvement in problem-solving capacity? We propose that the link between learning-by-thinking and greater performance is explained by self-efficacy, or a personal evaluation of one’s capabilities to organize and execute courses of action to attain designated goals…

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